IPEES Core Seminar - Spring 2025

IPEES will offer its Core Seminar (ENV S 200) on Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 PM during the spring quarter. The Core Seminar introduces students to the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary environmental scholarship, explores a variety of approaches for doing such work, and investigates examples based on UCSB faculty research. While the Core Seminar is required for all IPEES participants, it may also be of interest to any doctoral students hoping to pursue interdisciplinary environmental scholarship. 

Recently admitted students should enroll in the Core Seminar. Additionally, IPEES encourages students who are interested in applying or have applied to enroll in the Core Seminar. 

For more information on the Core Seminar, please contact the IPEES director and Core Seminar instructor, Peter Alagona at psalag@ucsb.edu.